
Bangabandhu Military Museum

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Bangabandhu Military Museum

The Bangabandhu Military Museum is a fascinating and historically significant site located in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. The museum is dedicated to the life and legacy of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founding father of Bangladesh and popularly known as Bangabandhu.

The museum showcases a vast collection of artifacts, photographs, documents, and other memorabilia related to the life of Bangabandhu, who played a pivotal role in the country’s struggle for independence from Pakistan.

Ensuring security, particularly in museums, is of utmost importance. In 2021, JIESHUN distinguished itself from numerous competitors to collaborate with the Bangabandhu Military Museum in providing pedestrian gates for their access control system. The JSTZ3409 retractable gates greatly bolster security measures by effectively managing the ingress and egress of visitors. This ensures that only authorized individuals are granted access to specific areas, thereby deterring unauthorized entry and theft. Moreover, these gates facilitate crowd control, mitigating overcrowding in designated areas. Additionally, the gates are seamlessly integrated with QR code readers and are connected to the real-time ticketing system.

By implementing JIESHUN pedestrian gates, the museum can offer visitors a more organized and streamlined experience, leaving them with indelible memories.

Facts and Figures

  • Customer

    Bangabandhu Military Museum

  • Project Name

    Bangabandhu Military Museum

  • Project Add

    Bijoy Sarani, Dhaka 1215, Bangladesh

  • Installation Date

    November, 2021

  • Capacity/Size


  • JIESHUN Products

    Pedestrian Gates (JSTZ3409 Retractable Gates)

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